He heard it again, and it was unmistakable this time. Those were definitely footsteps, followed by a loud sniffing sound. Jake shivered and pulled up his blanket, covering part of his face. He was afraid and didn’t know what to do. The rest of the cabin was completely dark and quiet except for the loud, rhythmic snore that was clearly coming from Kevin in the next bunk. Had everyone else fallen asleep already? Jake whispered up toward the top bunk, hoping he had one companion who was still awake.
“Eddie, I think you were right … there’s something out there.”
No reply. Jake sat still, holding his breath and listening to the footsteps grow louder as they moved closer to the cabin. He tried once more.
“Eddie …” he whispered.

Just then, Eddie’s face appeared from the top bunk. He was wearing his headlamp, which was on the lowest setting, barely bright enough for them to be able to see each other. Eddie put his finger to his lips and silently mimed “shhhh,” then reached up and turn off his headlamp.
They were both lying in silence with only a hint of moonlight coming in through the edge of the partially open window shade near the cabin door. There wasn’t enough light to see anything inside the cabin, but they could see the shape of the window and some silhouettes outside, and unfortunately they could still hear the footsteps.
The creature that approached could only be feet away from the cabin now. Both Eddie and Jake were still, with their eyes locked on the only thing they could make out in the darkness—the window.
Suddenly there was motion. Something had passed by the window.
A dark figure.
It was too dark to tell what it was, but Eddie definitely saw it. He whispered to the bottom bunk.
“Jake, did you—”
“Yes!” Jake shot back.
Both of them continued to lie motionless, with only
the snore that rumbled from Kevin’s nostrils to disrupt the otherwise silent and motionless cabin. Unsure what was to come, Eddie’s mind began to race. He had to think of something—some kind of plan. But there was no time; the cabin door shuddered.
and the doorknob rattled. The creature Eddie had seen last night had come for them, and there was nothing they could do. Jake pulled his covers over his head, and Eddie braced for the worst. The doorknob began to twist, and the creaky door hinges announced the arrival of their unwelcome visitor. Before either of them could say a word or do anything, the silhouetted creature that now framed the doorway made its move toward them with something in its hand. There was a clicking sound and…